Investigating PCIE usage in nanovg_vulkan

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Investigating PCIE usage in nanovg_vulkan

Conversation start in this comment -

nanovg -

Main point:

Does nanovg_vulkan slowdown come from PCIE bottleneck, because some memory flag set incorrectly in source code or something related to memory speed.

Result of this statistic:

if tools to meassure performance is correct, and I not misinterpret results

PCIE is not bottleneck for nanovg_vulkan.
And PCIE usage by nanovg_vulkan is far from even 50% of PCIE bandwidth on this Nvidia GPU.


I use nvtop to display GPU statistics -

In my test - Nvidia GPU set/used as main GPU in bios settings.

When Integrated GPU set to main - result of Nvtop is flooded with “frame copy from GPU to RAM”.


Screenshots from my shader-launcher example_minimal press 1 key to see fps, and launch with --present_mode 0 --gpu 0 and change gpu index, not from Khronos Vulkan Samples because multiple GPU support broken there.

Vulkan vs OpenGL PCIE usage in nanovg:

Render FPS PCI-E RX PCI-E TX Screenshot
OpenGL 147 719MiB 81MiB
Vulkan 1 frame in flight 50 401MiB 86MiB
Vulkan 2 frame in flight 85 565MiB 131MiB

Vulkan performance and PCIE usage for 3+ frames in flight is same as with 2.

How peak of PCIE bandwidth usage look on this Nvidia GPU:

Youtube video player use WebGL to play “panorama/360°”-videos.

I open my video in 4k resoltion - Pathtraced voxel city [360° video] Youtbe link

Video played in Chrome that use OpenGL as WebGL render, this video play on 60fps with no lags when in 4k.
chrome.exe --use-angle=gl
because Vulkan WebGL Chrome render is more than 10x slower compare to OpenGL, and 4k video lags in Vulkan in Chrome, look below where I talk about Vulkan WebGL

Screenshot with TX: 400MiB OGL_chrome_youtbe_tx

Screenshot with RX: 2.48GiB OGL_chrome_youtbe_rx

That means nanovg_vulkan does not even go to 50% of PCIE usage.
While this video playing - RX jump around 1-2GiB, and TX is 50-400MiB.

WebGL with Vulkan in Chrome:

Use Vulkan in Chrome - it is “very bad user experience”.
chrome.exe --use-angle=vulkan

Even empty single triangle in WebGL will lag in full-screen when Chrome used with Vulkan.
Any Youtube video will also lag in fullscreen.
By lag - I mean FPS will be less than 30.
Anything that larger than 1280x720 as video or single canvas or WebGL element - will drop FPS from 60 to lower nmber.

Only use of Vulkan in Chrome is - you can select GPU to use, when in OpenGL Chrome will always use only “main” GPU.
When you have multiple GPU, or even simple integrated+discrete - Vulkan is useful in Chrome, even when it so much slower than OpenGL.

Screenshots below show PCIE usage in WebGL when it use OpenGL and Vulkan.

I use NanoGUI WebGL port as example, because NanoGUI use nanovg so it can be related - nanogui WebGL link

Main point here is - very high PCIE usage in Vulkan compare to OpenGL.
This size of canvas still work in 60 FPS in Vulkan, but in fullscreen it is slideshow - obviously Chrome issue/bug.

WebGL in OpenGL screenshot:
RX: 55MiB TX: 9MiB


WebGL in Vulkan screenshot:
RX: 180MiB TX: 190MiB
